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Moving Checklist

Moving Checklist
Whether moving across the street or across the country, the Moving Checklist is a handy reminder of things to do and people to inform regarding your new location
☐ Complete a “Change of Address” form at a USPS post office
☐ Notify friends and relatives
☐ Notify your employer
☐ Notify any delivery services
☐ Notify your gardener
☐ Notify your housecleaners
☐ Credit card companies (including all store and department store credit cards)
☐ Banks and Credit Unions
☐ Notify credit monitoring service (i.e. Lifelock if any)
☐ Notify Insurance Companies such as Life, Health, Property, Auto, Dental, etc.
☐ Make sure Property Insurance Coverage for your new house is in place
☐ Update your doctors, dentists etc.
☐ Update your pharmacies
☐ Update your veterinarian’s office
☐ Update Health Insurers such as HMOs, agencies and brokers
☐ Get school transcripts (some districts require that they be sent directly from the prior school)
☐ Notify cable, gas, electric, water, telephone, fuel, and garbage companies
☐ Get refunds on any deposits made
☐ Return cable boxes, remote controls etc.
☐ Cancel Alarm service
☐ Carry enough cash or traveler’s checks to cover cost of moving services and expenses until you make banking connections in new city
☐ Carry jewelry and documents yourself, or use registered mail
☐ Double check closets, drawers, shelves to be sure they are empty
☐ Leave old keys, garage door openers, broiler pans, house plans and instruction manuals needed by new owner with real estate agent
☐ Have new address recorded on driver’s license and car registration (DMV)
☐ Visit city offices and register to vote
☐ Update any Toll passes such as fast-track etc.
☐ Update any memberships such as health clubs and wine clubs
☐ Update any subscription services such as newspapers, magazines, Netflix etc.
☐ Arrange movers ahead of time (at least 2 to 3 weeks)

Download the printable PDF version here:
Moving Checklist

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